It’s safe to be yourself here.  

Therapy is a place where you can explore issues that feel too scary to explore elsewhere, such as whether or not you want to stay in your relationship, difficulty adjusting to parenthood (or an empty nest), and feeling like you’re always trying to fit in but never actually connecting with others.

I’m Dr. Tracey Hefter, and as a licensed psychologist my goal is that you feel understood, comfortable, and at ease in my office.

I offer an objective view of your situation, but also make sure to understand your viewpoint and what experiences may have impacted you. I’ll always be genuine, and often provide an alternative view that can help you to see things differently. As a therapist, I’m active in our work together, while still focusing on what is important to you.

My psychologist training along with my life experiences enable me to connect with people in all walks of life. I grew up in New York City, earned my doctorate in Chicago, and have lived in the South Bay for over 20 years. I am married and a mom with three kids. I love being near the beach, but I also understand the pressure that living in this community can place on families and individuals.

Most importantly, I know that therapy provides the opportunity for you to profoundly change and improve your life. Together we can better understand what is keeping you from getting your needs met and work to improve your relationships with others, and with yourself.

My Specialties:

  • Relationship issues and couples therapy

  • Parenting, including adjustment to “empty nest”

  • Healing after divorce or other painful relationships

  • Feelings of depression, guilt, loneliness, and sadness

  • Feelings of anxiety, trauma, and shame

to schedule a free phone consultation and get started.

Tracey Hefter, Ph.D.

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My Clinical Psychological Experience & Training

Post-doctoral training at the Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis (ICP) in Los Angeles, CA

Private practice with a focus in adolescents and adults in Chicago, IL

Post-doctoral work with adolescents in private practice in Oaklawn, IL

Masters and Doctoral degrees in Clinical Psychology from Loyola University of Chicago, IL

Pre-doctoral Residency at Illinois Masonic Medical Center, in Chicago, IL